Welcome to my new category, Musings. This is where I’ll post random thoughts, observations and odd (perhaps) ways of seeing the world… like this!
With a newfound freedom (that story to come) I decided to go and visit my parents who live south of Tucson, Arizona for 3 weeks. I had just returned from a 2-week trip to Cancun, Mexico so I wanted to isolate for a while to have time to get a COVID test. So I rented a small apartment about a mile from their house. It was a nice little place and the owner provided some things I might need during my stay. When I first jumped in the shower I noticed some Trader Joe’s TEA TREE TINGLE body wash, shampoo and conditioner. I was familiar with the oddly refreshing toothpaste gasoline smell of tea tree oil, but I didn’t know what the tingle part was all about. I shampooed and it smelled as I’d expected, but no tingle. Hmm. Then I conditioned and the same thing. No tingle. Next I used the body wash all over and although it made by eyes water slightly, still no tingle. Then I washed my butthole. Ahhh, now I get it. Also oddly refreshing.
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